Sellers listed on are provided as a courtesy to buyers and sellers. By using these links, you agree that shall not be held liable for any disputes between buyers and sellers.

Show your support of the OpenFIRE open source lightgun project by purchasing items from OpenFIRE team members as indicated by the icon.

SAMCO 2 – Namco GunCon2 Conversion PCB – This PCB replacement will help convert your Namco GunCon2 into an OpenFIRE or Samco light gun.
For use with OpenFIRE, Samco firmware
SAMCO 1.1 – Namco GunCon Conversion PCB – This PCB replacement will help convert your Namco GunCon into an OpenFIRE or Samco light gun.
For use with OpenFIRE, Samco firmware
OpenFIRE Lightbox – Rep your favorite open source lightgun project! 5 volt, 2 amp USB power supply required (not included).
OpenFIRE Coaster – Ridiculously large coaster with the OpenFIRE logo.

Do you have a light gun related that product that you want to sell? Log in and apply for a free seller account here. Seller accounts are for repeat sales and are not intended for single item classified ads. Single items for sale can be listed in the “for-sale” channel on the DIY Lightgun Discord server.

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